Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

In the light of all the changes Google have made to try to give readers a decent web experience - stop laughing - and get people to spend their advertising money with them...

... you might think that professional sites like HubPages and Squidoo would have learnt some sort of lesson about not spamming their viewers.

Here is a screen shot of one of my HubPages pages.

What you will notice, or would do if it had copied properly, is that there is far too much advertising compared to the content.

A full size block at the top followed by the Title.

And then... another block of ads.

This is despite me trying to put a stickman picture in the place where they normally put EVEN MORE ads to make my page look less spammy and more attractive to a potential reader.


That is the first page a searcher will see.

In my opinion it is off-putting.

It says "In here is the same advertising heavy garbage that most of the web consists of.  This article exists purely to con you into spending money".

Well great.

Thanks HP!


Further down the screen... if the reader gets that far and didnt immediately back-arrow, is another insane block of garbage.

An entire screen of adverts!

What the hell is wrong with these sites that they dont see the value in toning it down?

It is not about stuffing every single possible advert in a readers face.

Is it?

It is about engaging with them, building trust, hoping for repeat visits, longer read times  - and, and, and.


The old game of creating masses of generic garbage content are gone for good.

You need readers, visitors - who are pleased with your site and its content and who will share that pleasure.  That hackneyed social network thing but more than that.

Stuffing adverts directly at a poor search visitor who has had their fill from all the other sites is just damaging your own site.

I wouldnt bother reading that article.

Would you?

HubPages Adds Floating Adverts

In an almost unbelievable change - HubPages have now added even more adverts to my content.

Not content with virtually destroying my pages with over the top adverts they have added a floating set that accompany the poor reader as they scroll through.

You cant tune these out because they follow you everywhere.

The adverts apparently link through to a page that is all adverts!  Unbelievable.  The worst spam-filled page possible.  What it says to me very loud and clear in that they dont care about their writers or their readers.  The content is absolutely just there for their advertising.

Now we all know the game but shouting it in such an obvious fashion is surely a mistake?

If I come across that sort of advert stuffed page I tend to leave it and make a mental note not to bother with that site again.

It makes a mockery of their attempts at quality control.  The best writing in the world could not compete with wall to wall advertising.

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