I like to do my research. Whenever someone criticizes my photos or costumes, I take the liberty to click on that persons profile. I usually find a false name with a cartoon avatar. On other occasions I have scrolled through the persons profile to discover that they are not a cosplayer, not a professional model, not a professional photographer, not a makeup artist and they are not into physical fitness. They are generally a fan of comic books and like to follow cosplayers. Guess what? THIS DOES NOT MAKE YOU AN EXPERT ON COSTUMING.
Just because you read comics does not mean you know anything about how to care or style wigs. It does not make you an authority on sewing. It does not make you a trained psychical fitness expert. You are not the chief executive on womens fashion. You know nothing about applying makeup, false eye lashes or body paint. You dont know anything about fabric. Its really best you keep your thoughts to yourself unless you are willing to provide your stunning costume portfolio.
Note to the critical non-cosplayer; cosplayers dont do anything "wrong". They create an outfit and emulate a character how THEY want to. Its not about you and your personal standards. Its about the individual cosplayer, their vision and how they used their creativity to bring a character to life.
How can you give "advice" or a "suggestion" when you dont have any experience?
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