Rabu, 13 April 2016

As expected by people who are not complete morons - Google Panda got around to noticing the huge amount of garbage migrated to HubPages from Squidoo.

It took them a couple of weeks but now the Panda slap is confirmed.  The head honcho has admitted that it is the imported Squidoo content that was hit hardest - although other HubPage writers have also suffered.

The forums are full of these Squidoo writers claiming that their pages and advertising methods are reasonable and acceptable.  It is as if the closure of Squidoo was nothing to do with them. Their writing and adverts are a service to their readers.

Oh really?

One of the perfect examples to me, and to the owner of HubPages who has belatedly realised what a mountain he has to climb, is the Kitchen Aid mixer.  A staggeringly expensive kitchen mixer - it appears on a large number of ex Squidoo pages.

Here is how they worked it.

Write or copy a recipe page for anything that might possibly need mixing.  Among the adverts ensure the Kitchen Aid mixer has high prominence.  Several hundred dollars of potential revenue.  Repeat this endlessly.

Panda was introduced to get rid of content like this and the sites that support it.  Truthfully it is any and all writing sites because they attract these people.  This is not writing.  It is not even recipes.  It is about hoping for that mixer sale to make some dollars.

The really good writers on these sites will know how to make the reader feel a little inadequate with their own mixer or perhaps whisk and a bowl.  They will plant the thought that with one of these mixers they could indeed bake the perfect pie and be just like the writer claims to be.  Successful, attractive, married.

They are copied by thousands of less qualified people who copy the content and the mixer advert and reduce the sites to the ultimate in spam.  And then Panda arrives.

I dislike this content intensely, and the writers who claim it is some sort of service they are offering. They are fake and false like advertising everywhere.  Worse than that they persuade other potential writers who might have a genuine story to tell to be like them.

The affiliate marketers.

As I predicted and indeed hoped - Panda has now slapped HubPages.  It is the gift that keeps on giving.

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