Sabtu, 02 April 2016

Yesterday I retweeted a link to “Live Action News,” a website with a video claiming that Planned Parenthood was selling fetal organs.

I had watched the video and read the accompanying article but failed to engage my skeptical radar. It turns out that the video was maliciously edited to portray Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood, in the worst possible way. The video showed her “having lunch with actors posing as buyers who are interested in purchasing the body parts of babies who have been aborted” and discussing prices.

The website Media Matters describes some of the edits and explains why they are deceptive. It turns out that of the 150 minutes of the original footage, only 8 minutes were used in the "Live Action News" clip.

If I had watched the video more closely, I wouldn’t have needed Media Matters or the 150 minutes of original footage to see the flaws.

First of all, it begins with an introduction by a former ABC News anchor Connie Chung promising something shocking. But as you can see in the screen shot below in the lower left corner, it clearly says “ABC News 20/20 March 8, 2000.”

Another obvious clue is that the date and time stamp in the lower left-hand corner of the edited video itself is “2014 07 25.” In retrospect, it does not seem plausible that an anti-abortion organization would have sat on this inflammatory story for almost a year before releasing it.

In addition, the times differ greatly as the video progresses which obviously should have told me that major editing had taken place.

The "Live Action News website looks pretty bogus too.

I am very disappointed in myself for having fallen for this dishonest garbage.

It won’t happen again.

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