Minggu, 03 April 2016

You have an account at Hubpages and now you want to publish your first hub. Well it’s very good news. But before publishing your hub please spend 5 minutes to read the article. I am sure it will help you. Another important thing, don’t forget to give the link of your hubs in the comment box.To start a hub you must first know what you will write. You must choose a topic and you must be knowledgeable to your subject. In this Article I will show you step by step how to write your first hub using hubtool.

Start your hub: 

First click the button named start a button. You will see a dialog box. Give Title in the hub title box and make sure your title is SEO friendly. Your tile must be short and the length will not be more than 65 words. You must include your keywords in your title. Now come to the next part which is hub topic. Here you will choose a topic which is similar to your article. For example you are writing an article about Respiratory system and its disease. Then choose Education and science. Now last part is hub format. As a beginner you should choose basic format. You can also choose other template as well. If everything is done click the continue button.

create a hub

Now you will come to another page which will give you some characteristics of quality hubs. Click yes button.

quality hubs

Now fill the Captcha.

fill the Captcha

Now you have come to the right place. Here you will write your article. You can change your title if you want. Now write summary of your article. They will not be showed in your article. They will appear in search results. Now next part is capsule. We will discuss it in the next section.

summary of your article

Making hub by capsule: 

If you want to add text, picture in your hubs or article then you have to do it be capsule. Capsules are the small units of your article.  The default capsule is composed of text and picture and comments. You can add many capsules. All you have to do it click the desired capsule from right side of the page. See the picture.

Making hub by capsule

How to use capsule:

In this part we will see the use of capsule. If you want to add capsule then just click the capsule from the right side. It will be added to the bottom of the page. Now move your cursor to the capsule. You will see an option. Click edit. You will see a dialog box. The below picture is text capsule. Give sub title in the capsule subtitle box. Add some description in the next box. Now click save. 

use capsule

Use of Photo capsule:

In this part we will see the use of photo capsule. Click the button “choose picture” and insert picture from your pc. You can also import and can use the pictures that you published before. You must have the rights to upload photo. You must give proper attribution if needed. Give a capsule subtitle. When you have finished click save button.

Use of Photo capsule

Edit and move your capsule:

You just take your cursor to the capsule and you will see a menu bar. Click edit if needed and use directional arrows to move up and down or right and left.

Edit and move your capsule

Use of Supplementary:

You can beautify your article by adding supplementary. Supplementary is a set of capsule composed of poll, table, quiz etc. In this article we will see the use of poll and quiz. Just click any capsule for example click poll capsule. It will be added at the bottom of the page. Now click edit and add a question and answer choice. Set your display type. See the picture below.

Use of Supplementary

Final Step:

Check everything by clicking the preview button. If everything is okay then choose publish. Now wait 24 hours. Your hub will be approved. 

If your hub is not featured then let me know I will help you. I will write an article about How to write successful article at hubpages. Thanks for reading the article by spending your valuable time. Please share your experience with us.  

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