Minggu, 17 April 2016

The Cosplay scene has exploded in the last few years. More people than ever before are practicing the art of creating costumes, props and accessories. And its wonderful! However, with this new found popularity,  the hobby seems more stressful  than it did in the past.  Many feel there is pressure to keep up with the millions who call themselves cosplayers or costumers. I have heard numerous complaints and have sadly seen many people quit this hobby. If youre considering it, dont throw in the towel just yet! Below are 5 reasons why you should keep on costuming.

#1. You Make New Friends!
You can never have enough friends! Costuming is a wonderful way to meet like-minded people both online and in person who share the same passions as you do. These meetings can lead to a friendship (or even a romance) that can last a life time.

#2. You Have the Freedom to Express Yourself!
Multi-colored wigs, crossplay, fishnets, gender swap, anything goes! Costuming gives you the opportunity to be creative and bring these characters to life however you want! Dont let anyone tell you "No".

#3. It May Lead to Other Opportunities
Although its not a guarantee, there is a possibility that costuming can lead you to other opportunities within the industry. Running around the con with your friends or updating your online port can catch the eye of the right person and you may get a job offer. Ive been lucky enough to work for Gentile Giant Studios, Superherostuff.com and several other companies.

#4. Its Fun!
I wont lie; costuming is a lot of work. The whole process of bringing a character to life isnt easy but it can also be fun! Wig styling, makeup, painting, sewing, molding can all be an enjoyable experience. Once you have your character just the way you want it and you get to strut your stuff at a photo shoot or a convention with your friends , its an added bonus!

#5. It Gets Your Creative Juices Flowing
You never know what you are capable of making until you try. Who knows? You may end up surprising yourself. I didnt think I could make a Supergirl costume or make a pair of horns and staff for my Couture Maleficent but I proved myself wrong. Sure theres a lot of other things I completely screwed up but thats the process of trail and error and I am very proud of the things I made.

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