Sabtu, 02 April 2016

Cool Business Opportunities in 2014

7:04 AM

Dear Entrepreneur:
I discovered three opportunities with “over the top” profit potential.

I’ll give you the details in a second.

I usually focus on one opportunity each week…so consider this a Happy New Year present!
But know this……Ive been identifying great business opportunities for more than 30 years.
I’m referred to as “King of Business Opportunities” for good reason. 

Here’s what R.F. said about me recently:

“Marc has an uncanny ability for spotting profitable trends and creating simple profitable businesses around them.  There are a ton of people selling push-button “sit by the pool” type programs which claim to make a million dollars instantly. That’s not what Marc Charles does. He’s a simple guy, making a ton of money in simple ways.  If you have a chance to meet Marc in person you will be a richer person, guaranteed”

I’m not tooting my own horn! I just want you to know identifying “legitimate” business opportunities is in my blood.  I’ll be doing this until they find me found face down on my keyboard!

“Yeah….But What Have You Done For Me Today”?

There hundreds of magazines, newsletters, websites, podcasts, newspapers, TV and radio shows devoted to exploring business opportunities today.

But most of the opportunities people are talking today about are history - nada, toast!
My focus is on business opportunities which capitalize on rising trends right now!

And listen…..I’ve watched entrepreneurs lose millions on “sure things” such vending routes, franchises, restaurants, flipping real estate, nightclubs, discount clubs, software, MLM, kiosks, airport gift shops and “life changing” inventions.

My approach is pretty simple…I don’t want align myself with obsolete products, businesses or dying trends.

On top of that, you don’t want to risk a boatload of cash either.
My preference….although it’s not always available….are businesses that don’t require a ton of employees, inventory, paperwork, lawyers, regulation or physical assets.  

My columns are for entrepreneurs who want the gut-wrenching truth about legitimate business opportunities. 

Most of the opportunities I research are not a good fit for readers because the cost of entry is too high.

For example, a typical Subway “franchise” will set you back $100,000 - $250,000 - and that’s just for starters. 

The real money pit for any restaurant (and especially a franchise like Subway) is the operating capital. 

On top of that, most franchises require you to cough up a percentage of the profits every month in the form of royalties too. 

But that’s not all…..there’s more downside risk

Most franchise businesses are required to buy food, supplies and equipment from the parent corporation. Wow! If you do a search in Google News on Stone Cold Creamery you’ll see what I mean.

Twenty-five years ago a Burger King franchise was considered one of the best opportunities around. 

But today, you can’t unload a Burger King franchise fast enough. 

There’s even a group of franchisees suing the company because they
“can’t get out”!

The trend of owning a MacDonald’s or Burger King franchise for a start up entrepreneur is over for most entrepreneurs. Not to mention sales are down big time at these places.
Granted, restaurants can be profitable. 

If you’re completely out of your mind and still decide to open one – my suggestion would be to partner with a rising brand such as Johnny Rockets, Baja Fresh or Famous Dave’s BBQ. For higher end restaurant franchise consider KEO Japanese or Morton’s Steak House.

You can go it alone – and try to copy the formula of a rising franchise brand – but the odds are against you.

There are hundreds of business opportunities in the world today that don’t require massive capital, employees, buildings, inventories, accountants, lawyers or huge learning curves.

Three Cool Opportunities for 2014 (and beyond) 

1)    Internet Direct Response
Internet ecommerce continues to climb and there’s no end in sight.
Internet direct response businesses which provide “over the top” service and reasonable prices should perform well – even in a downturn.
Internet direct response businesses would include selling products on eBay, Yahoo! Marketplace and
This also includes selling information and digital products. is a wildly successful digital marketplace for small entrepreneurs. 

2)    Self-Storage Real Estate (in Select Areas)
The self-storage business generates more revenue per square foot than any other real estate investment. I know it’s hard to believe - but it’s true.
Granted, the 70s and 80s were the boom time for the self-storage industry.
In 2010 there was a consolidation in the market and a pull back in the trend.
But in my opinion the trend is back. This market presents some great opportunities for entrepreneurs of every size.
The downside is the capitol required. But you’ll find hundreds of self storage properties for sale and many with owner financing.
Or you can build your own facility.
The one thing I like about this business….(and I know it better than most)…is the multiple streams of income.
You can generate income from unit rentals, ancillary products, insurance, truck rentals, late fees and self storage auctions.
The key to success in a self storage business is marketing, which includes capuring drive by traffic.
I’m not convinced the new trend in portable self-storage units or “pods” is a hit rising trend. I know they’re gaining popularity. But the “numbers” I’ve seen do not compare with traditional self storage operations or self storage REITs.

3)    Import Export Businesses
There’s a misconception regarding most import and export businesses.
You can start this business on a shoestring, and even become a middleman or finder and profit this way.
Importing and exporting is a rising trend. You can run successful import export business from anywhere in the world.
One of the hottest sites on the Internet for helping import/export entrepreneurs is Alibaba and AliExpress
eBay and will continue to play a role in helping import and export entrepreneurs too.

I’ve developed an exciting new program called China Wholesale Trader. It’s designed to help entrepreneurs make money quickly and easily in the import market.
There you have it!

I’ve shown you three new “over the top” business opportunities for 2011 and beyond.
I’m interested in hearing what you think…..not only regarding these opportunities but my weekly articles for The League of Power.

Drop me a note or post your comments on the forum.

Until next week!

Your Humble Host,

Marc Charles

******Valuable Resources *******

Internet Direct Response Gurus:
Bob Bly
Frank Kern
Ken Envoy
Joe Vitale
Allan Gardyne

Self-Storage Real Estate Gurus
The New Real Estate Riches Seminar
B. Wayne Hughes

Import Export Gurus
China Wholesale Trader (Yours Truly)
Ty Hicks

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