Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

On the shoulders of giants

The following was sent to me by a professor who sits on the admissions committee of a medical school in the United States. Here’s what he asks prospective students during interviews.

Sir Isaac Newton said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

If you want to become an astronaut, I’ll bet you know who Neil Armstrong is. If you want to become a rock-star, you likely know who the Beatles were or who the Rolling Stones are. If you want to become President of the United States, you know who Barack Obama is. But you want to become a doctor, right? That’s why you’re here.

So, who are those giants of medicine? What famous scientists or doctors who have advanced the science of medicine can you name?

The following would not be acceptable:

Mehmet Oz, MD
Sanjay Gupta, MD (Medical reporter)
Phillip McGraw (“Dr. Phil”)

Here are some names that would count: Drs. Watson, Crick, and Franklin

You wouldnt believe the answers I get. For example:

Me (after an applicant couldn’t think of any names): "What do we do to milk to make it safe to drink?"

Applicant: "Put antibiotics in it."

Me: "What was your major in college?"

Applicant: "Microbiology."

Me: "OK, what is the PROCESS we use to make milk safe called?"

Applicant: Crickets...Crickets...

Me: "Ill give you a hint. It is named after a French scientist."

Applicant: Crickets… “I wasnt a history major.”

Me: “No, worse—you were a microbiology major. Let me give you another hint: His first name was ‘Luis’ (Loo-ee, pronouncing it best I can).”

Applicant: Crickets...

Me: “Okay, what is the process of heating milk at a high temperature, under pressure, to kill bacteria called?”

Applicant: “WAIT!!!! Pasteurization!!!!”

Me: “Great. So what is the guys name?”

Applicant: “Dr. Pasteurization!!!! Dr. Franco (after Id already told him the first name was Luis) Pasteurization.”

Me: Crickets...

Here are a few choice responses from other applicants: Patch Adams, David Perlmutter, anesthesia, the one who created penicillin, Bill Nye, Ben Carson, and [my favorite]—Jonah Salt (sic).

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